Our backs, especially our spines, not only provide support and posture to our bodies, but also help us carry heavy loads! The spine is the backbone of our body (literally), and it’s important to know how to strengthen our backs and how to prevent the development of back pain. With the help of our dossier, you can find out more information about the various back conditions we may experience in life, and how to manage back pain.
The Most Common Back/Spine Injuries & Diseases

Vertebral Compression Fractures
Vertebral Compression Fractures: Spine's Severe Compromised and Intense Persistent Pain The spine is a robust combination of 24 vertebrae that protects the spinal cord. These are connected by th...

Spondyloarthritis - Arthritis of the Spine
Spondyloarthrosis: Joint Disease of the Vertebral Column The vertebral column is a complex structure in our back, which consists of approximately 33 bones, called the vertebrae. It holds and prote...

Spinal Osteoporosis: Also Known as Osteoarthritis of the Spine Our skeletal system provides a robust structure that protects our internal organs and soft tissue. Our bones are constantly renewed w...

Dowager's Hump: Also Known as Hunchback Our back provides support and posture to our body and facilitates the transfer of power to the pelvis and the lower half of the body. The spine is a robust ...

What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeletal system. Patients suffering from this condition typically have a substantial loss of bone density due to metabolic reasons. The condit...

Hyperkyphosis and Dowager's Hump
Do you have poor posture and suffer from a sore upper back? While being a very common back condition, hyperkyphosis can greatly impact a person’s health and their functions of daily life. With the ...

Lower Back Pain - Muscle weakness as the cause Virtually everyone over 25 is familiar with back pain of one type or another. Every day doctors, physios, chiros and more all take care of patients, d...

Lumbago: Chronic Lower Back Pain The lumbar region of the back is instrumental in providing stability and facilitating the transfer of power to the lower body. It allows for complex movements like...
Frequently Asked Questions / FAQS About Back/Spine
When Should I Use A Back Brace?
Back braces can assist with a range of concerns, from back pain due to exercise, pregnancy or poor posture. Right through to sufferers of lower vertebrae, Lumbar and Sacral problems, pelvic and hip instability and moderate to severe back pain.
Back braces are best worn whenever you're putting any strain on your back, or whenever you're feeling back pain. In many cases, relief can be found from wearing the brace all day.
How Does A Back Brace Work?
Back braces work by providing compression and stability to the spine and surrounding muscles. This helps to ease pressure on targeted areas, allowing for pain relief, posture correction and treatment of injuries and chronic conditions.
Which Back Brace Is Best For Lower Back Pain?
Bracing is one of the best ways to address lower back pain, especially in combination with proper ergonomic practice and in more sever cases, physiotherapy. In particular, the LumboTrainor the LumboTrain Lady, will treat lower back pain with a lot of success.
Which Back Brace Is Best For Sciatica?
The SacroLoc is perfect for Sciatica and related pain, as it unloads the pelvic/hip region to provide immediate relief and support. Wearing this brace helps not only treat it, but also helps prevents deterioration of the nerve and sacral joint.
Which Back Brace Is Right For Me?
Bauerfeind have created a range of back braces, each suited to treat, or manage, back injuries from mild to severe. It is difficult to recommend a brace without hearing more about your specific case. We recommend you consult a medical practitioner, or you can chat with a Bauerfeind specialist.
Can A Back Brace Correct Poor Posture?
Back supports are designed to help correct poor posture, whether sitting, standing or engaging in physical activity. The Bauerfeind back braces are clinically proven to improve posture immediately, with continued long term benefits while the brace is used. They are also suitable, and comfortable enough, to wear in virtually every situation.
Back Pain While Lifting, Can A Back Brace Help?
Whether you lift weights at the gym, boxes for work or you are continually picking up your toddler, lifting can put tremendous strain on your spine. Especially if the movement is repeated over an extended period of time. Wearing a suitable brace will not only help to minimise pain and discomfort, it will protect your spine and reduce the risk of injury.
How Long Should I Wear My Back Brace?
As you wear a back brace, you should find an improvement in your condition and a reduction in pain - the amount of time this takes varies from patient to patient. Once all symptoms are relieved, it is helpful to wear the brace when lifting or putting particular strain on your back, the back brace will help to prevent any further injuries from occurring.